Apply localization
In this last part of Build your first extension tutorial, you will learn how to apply localization into the extension.
Create localization files
Create a new folder called loc
under ..\client\
Inside the newly created folder, run the following cmd:
omnia dev new localization --name HelloOmniaFxLocalization
- Define the localization namespace and structure (interface).localize.manifest.ts
- Define the default value in
- Define the translation value in Swedish.
Tip: You can notice that the generated
does not constraint on interface so when any Swedish label is missing it will just fallback to English without causing build error.
Tip: It is possible to export a whole localization as .json file in Omnia Admin for doing translation work, then manually add all the translated json back into the correct manifest files.
E.g. in Component:
//Retrieve your localization instance @Localize(HelloOmniaFxLocalization.namespace) private loc: HelloOmniaFxLocalization.locInterface; //Omnia has provided common localization so try to reuse it as much as possible. @Localize(OmniaUxLocalizationNamespace) private omniaLoc: OmniaUxLocalization; //Inject this localization service if you want to transform localization key @Inject(LocalizationService) private localizationService: LocalizationService; render(h){ //two way to get the value: //1. get from localization instance let label1 = this.loc.Labels.Label1; //2. get from localization service let label2 = this.localizationService.transform("$Localize:HelloOmniaFxLocalization.Labels.Label2;") return( <div>{label1} - {label2}</div> ) }
E.g. in Feature definition:
.registerFeature({ ... title: "$Localize:HelloOmniaFxLocalization.Features.Feature1;"
E.g. in Admin Journey left nav:
.registerNavigationNode([ { ... title: '$Localize:HelloOmniaFxLocalization.Features.Feature1;'
E.g. in Server-side code:
//Inject the service Omnia.Fx.Localization.ILocalizationProvider localizationProvider; var localizedValue = await localizationProvider.GetLocalizedValueAsync("'$Localize:HelloOmniaFxLocalization.Features.Feature1;");
When you see strange issues with localization, you should first check whether your localization value is correct or not in the global variable
by browser console.When your localization seems only work with local serve and does not work after deploying. It could be some caching issues so you could try to empty browser cache, or even try to re-deploy the extension.
Be careful that you might be using a duplicate namespace of other existing localization. The namespace should be unique.
Also, be careful with the translated localization files that don't constraint on interface so they could have conflict json structure that unexpectedly overrides the final localization.