Override the style of Current Navigation block
Current Navigation block is using the Omnia StyleFlow to define styles. So you can use StyleFlow to override it.
Ensure your extension has been installed @omnia/wcm
Create a new folder called current-nav-style
under ..\client\
Add 2 files:
- Style.css.ts
import { CurrentNavigationBlockStyles } from '@omnia/wcm/models';
import { StyleFlow } from '@omnia/fx/ux';
StyleFlow.define(CurrentNavigationBlockStyles, {
//There you can define all the overrided styles
//i.e. apply the background color
wrapper: {
'background' : 'red !important'
- Style.manifest.ts
import { Composer } from "@omnia/tooling-composers";
import { Guid } from '@omnia/fx/models';
import { WcmService, WcmWebComponentManifests } from '@omnia/wcm/models';
.registerManifest(new Guid(a-guid-id), "CustomCurrentNav")
resourcePaths: ['./Style.css.ts']
omniaServiceId: WcmService.Id.toString(),
resourceId: WcmWebComponentManifests.PageRenderer.toString()