Create a Timer Job
So far in this tutorial, you have created a Web App service HelloOmniaFx.Web
that serves UI resources and APIs.
In this part of tutorial, you will create a Worker service HelloOmniaFx.Worker
that run a Timer Job.
Step 1. Create a worker service
Create worker:
omnia dev new worker -n HelloOmniaFx.Worker -o C:\your-hello-omnia-fx-path\extension.json
Generate appsettings.local.json:
omnia dev appsettings get --path C:\your-hello-omnia-fx-path\extension.json --tenantid {tenant-id}
Step 2. Create a Timer Job in worker
Create a new folder called TimerJobs
under ..\HelloOmniaFx.Worker\
Inside the newly created folder, run the following cmd:
omnia dev new timerjob --name HelloOmniaFxTimerJob
A new .cs file will be created at ..\HelloOmniaFx.Worker\TimerJobs\HelloOmniaFxTimerJob.cs
Follow the instruction written in HelloOmniaFxTimerJob.cs
- Update the namespace of the file.
namespace HelloOmniaFx.Worker.TimerJobs
- Add the configuration code in
hostbuilder.ConfigureServices(serviceCollection => {
Step 3. Run it
Build and start the worker.
Try to debug it.