Deploy an extension

Time to 'Ship it'!

In this part of tutorial, you will deploy an extension to your tenant

Note: Please make sure you've installed Dockeropen in new window and been running it

Note: The following example will continue what you have done in Call a Web API so make sure you've been through it.

Step 1. Registers a new extension in Omnia Cloud

omnia extensions new --name "HelloOmniaFx"  --id extension-id

Tip: You can find the extension-id defined in extension.json file in the project

Tip: You only need to do this once for each extension

Step 2. Publish a new version of extension

In this example, use version 1.0.0 for this completely new extension

In a basic deployment scenario, you should prepare a version to be published

omnia dev publish --path C:\your-hello-omnia-fx-path\extension.json --version 1.0.0

Tip: For more publishing options visit omnia dev publish

Step 3. Push a new version to Omnia Cloud

Check what intent your tenant has been provisioned with. It could be dev or prod

omnia tenants list

Now you can push the pulished version to Omnia Cloud

omnia extensions push {extension-id}:1.0.0 --intent {dev or prod}

Tip: For more pushing options visit omnia extensions push

Step 4. Deploy a new version to your tenant

Get all available versions of the extension on Omnia Cloud

omnia extensions versions {extension-id}

Choose which version you want to deploy your tenant

In this example, use version 1.0.0

omnia extensions deploy {extension-id}:1.0.0 --tenantid {tenant-id}

Step 5. Test the result

If you are serving the extension locally in the previous step in this tutorial, you will need to stop it first.

To stop service, open Omnia Developer Console in your Omnia Developing site and run the following cmd:

serve --stop https://localhost:44315

Now you can test the result.


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