App Instance

App route

Property appInstanceId is removed from AppRoute and IAppRoute models. You should use property appInstance instead in the same model.

interface AppRoute {
    appInstanceId: Guid; // Removed from 7.0
    appInstance: AppInstance; // Use this instead

interface IAppRoute {
    appInstanceId: Guid; // Removed from 7.0
    appInstance: AppInstance; // Use this instead

interface AppInstance {
    id: GuidValue; // Same value as appInstanceId

App instance properties

Property properties typing in AppInstanceProperties model is changed from any to AppInstancePropertiesStorage

interface AppInstanceProperties {
    properties: any; // Type any removed from 7.0
    properties: AppInstancePropertiesStorage; // Updated type

interface AppInstancePropertiesStorage {
    [name: string]: unknown;
    omniaPath?: string;
    omniaRoutePrefix?: string;