

A significant change from omnia web component and Vue component is that the property $createElement is no longer available in Vue component. It is recommended that the h parameter in render function need to be removed as well. Starting from Omnia 7.0, all components written in tsx format will be automatically injected with h. This means that you do not have to worry about forgetting inject h manually.

Below are few example of old render coding style and how to convert them to new render.

Old render function requires h parameter written manually in code

render(h) {
    return (<div>Hello, world!!!</div>);

New render should not have any parameters

render() {
    return (<div>Hello, world!!!</div>);

Before you have to provide h parameter from render function to other functions

render(h) {
    return (<div>{this.renderHeading(h)}</div>);

renderHeading(h) {
    return (<h1>Welcome to Omnia 7.0</h1>);

Or have to create h manually by using $createElement from Vue instance base class

render(h) {
    return (<div>{this.renderHeading()}</div>);

renderHeading() {
    const h = this.$createElement
    return (<h1>Welcome to Omnia 7.0</h1>);

From Omnia 7.0, you can write tsx syntax without h parameter

render() {
    return (<div>{this.renderHeading()}</div>);

renderHeading() {
    return (<h1>Welcome to Omnia 7.0</h1>);

Dynamic Render

Before when rendering a component with unknown tag name, we usually explicit call h or $createElement

Using h parameter from render function

render(h) {
    return (<div>{this.renderUnknownComponent(h)}</div>);

renderUnknownComponent(h) {
    return h(runtimeComponentTag, {});

Using $createElement from Vue instance base class

render(h) {
    return (<div>{this.renderUnknownComponent()}</div>);

renderUnknownComponent() {
    const h = this.$createElement;
    return h(runtimeComponentTag, {});

With h and $createElement being removed in Omnia 7.0, there will be two approaches for this case

Import h variable directly from "@vue/composition-api" module

import { h } from "@vue/composition-api";

render() {
    return (<div>{this.renderUnknownComponent()}</div>);

renderUnknownComponent() {
    return h(runtimeComponentTag, {});

Import useCreateElementByName variable directly from "@omnia/fx/ux" module. This variable is a wrapper for h in "@vue/composition-api" so the result is the same

import { useCreateElementByName } from "@omnia/fx/ux";

render() {
    return (<div>{this.renderUnknownComponent()}</div>);

renderUnknownComponent() {
    return useCreateElementByName(runtimeComponentTag, {});